Real impact on the achievement of measurable goals

POLON-ALFA S.A. promotes ethical business practices, strives for equal pay and employee safety. Active involvement in solving social problems is also an important aspect of our company. We are constantly striving to build a positive corporate reputation that attracts new Customers and valuable Employees.

We employ more than 400 employees, who are our top priority. Respect for human rights, safe and stable workplaces and adherence to health and safety requirements and regulations are fundamental values integrated into our company management at every level. We regularly assess occupational risks in individual workplaces, and ensure that employees receive benefits and that their rights under the Labour Code and internal regulations are upheld. 

POLON-ALFA’s specific activities affecting social responsibility


A comprehensive “Employee Satisfaction Survey” was once again conducted, including all aspects of work at the manufacturing plant in Bydgoszcz and at Regional Offices around the country. After analyzing the submitted proposals, we proceeded to implement them.


We have developed and launched a comprehensive pilot program for the evaluation and professional development of Production Plant Employees. The program includes a competency assessment, a development path, and internal training providing opportunities for advancement through participation in internal recruitments. We have launched a series of internal training courses to support Employees in improving their professional skills and qualifications.


We regularly evaluate KAIZEN requests submitted by employees and put them into action. Additional bonuses are paid to those who submit the requests.


To improve conditions in the employee parking lot, we have leveled its surface, and in winter we provide snow removal. We improved safety at the pedestrian crossing in front of the plant by installing additional lighting and rebuilding the sidewalk.


Employees of the company formed a team called “POLON-ALFA,” which actively participated in the nationwide campaign “ACTIVE CITIES – BICYCLE CAPITAL OF POLAND,” integrating all participants, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and environmental protection.


Customers and employees of the company – during the XXX Jubilee Nationwide Workshops ‘Fire Signaling and Automation SAP 2024’ (12-15.06.2024, Cukrownia ŻNIN) prepared garden furniture (deck chairs, bench-tables, mud kitchens, and a swing), which was donated to the Family Children’s Home in Bydgoszcz.


We participated in a meeting with the scouts and cub scouts from the “Las” Scout Troop during their camp in the village of Pólko near Koronowo, where we talked about sources of fire, how to prevent fires, and how to protect oneself from them. The aim of this initiative was to remind the children and raise their awareness of how dangerous a fire can be and to teach them fire safety rules.

Employee satisfaction is a priority

At POLON-ALFA S.A., we conducted our annual “Employee Satisfaction Survey” among all employees at the company, both in Bydgoszcz and Regional Offices.

The results show that the vast majority of employees express positive feelings about their work, where they can count on support from their supervisors and colleagues.

The responses confirm that POLON-ALFA S.A. is a stable and friendly company, trusted by its employees.

Notably, 92% of employees like their job and feel comfortable in it.

The detailed results of this internal survey have been made available to all employees – on bulletin boards and via email.

Recognizing that there are still areas we can enhance, we will work together to increase comfort, improve communication, and continuously refine working conditions in our company.

We hope that the next edition of the survey, after implementing the suggestions made so far, will yield even better results.