Transparency and accountability

We realize that a good corporate governance system balances the interests of various parties: shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financial institutions, government, as well as local communities, and thus promotes more efficient use of company resources.

POLON-ALFA’s specific activities affecting corporate governance


Since 2019, the company has prepared an internal report describing ESG-related actions taken throughout the organization. In the following years, external ESG audits were also conducted, and the reports from these audits, along with conclusions and suggestions, help us today to effectively track the results from the implementation of business activities, in terms of their impact on sustainability aspects.


In 2021, POLON-ALFA commissioned ERM, a reputable consulting firm, to perform an ESG audit (Level 1). The results of the report were positive; confirming the organization’s compliance with regulatory requirements and good practices. This audit was repeated in 2023.


We have implemented a transparent and objective bonus program to transparently evaluate each Employee. We realize that a properly established bonus system focuses their activities on goals that are important to the organization, also stimulating behavior that is desirable from the company’s point of view.


From January 1, 2024, in POLON-ALFA three important regulations came into effect. They will help all of us build a company that sets standards and aspires to operate according to the highest standards.
The first is the CODE OF ETHICS, which is a set of values and standards of conduct that should guide us in every area of our professional lives. Adherence to it by all employees in the company allows for improving relations between people and work environment created by POLON-ALFA S.A.
Another document is the INTERNAL WHISTLEBLOWING SYSTEM REGULATIONS – a tool for employees who have been enabled to report potential irregularities or unethical behavior safely and confidentially. It was introduced to enhance the comfort of Employees and to ensure that the principles of justice and fairness are observed in daily work.
The third, the POLICY FOR PREVENTING CORRUPTION, is a key element in the company’s operations, demonstrating our commitment to create a transparent and honest business. The implementation of this Policy is a clear expression of the company-wide determination to create an ethical and safe environment.