MZ-60-150 - Power supply module

Power supplies of 150 W (MZ-60-150) can be installed in the POLON 6000 control panel. The power module consists of a power supply and MZP-60 power control module. MZ-60-150 module in 150W design (5A for 30V) can be mounted in the control panel housing interchangeably with SM-60 mounting rails. It is required to set the capacity of the attached backup batteries when declaring the MZP-60 module:
Range 1: 17 - 40Ah batteries - charging current of maximum 2.1A;
Range 2: batteries 41 - 65Ah - charging current of maximum 3.5 A;
Range 3: batteries 66 - 134Ah - charging current maximum 7.0 A