Best practices for sustainable development

Our current activities are a result of earlier efforts. We have been carrying out environmental activities for many years, which will be intensified once we develop a sustainable development strategy.

Greenhouse gas emissions

We recognize that greenhouse gas emissions are a major cause of climate change. Therefore, by managing these emissions, we are influencing in a real way how fast climate change will progress. The decarbonization and climate-neutral direction of the European economy clearly poses new challenges for every company.

Closed loop economy (GOZ)

At POLON-ALFA, we introduce elements of a regenerative economic system that minimizes the consumption of raw materials and the volume of waste, as well as emissions and energy loss, by creating a closed loop of processes. In the course of these, waste generated from some processes is used as raw materials for others, thus reducing the total amount of production waste as much as possible. The transition from a linear economy is an important goal of the European Union, and consequently of any modern enterprise.

Waste management

At the production site in Bydgoszcz, we carry out waste management in accordance with all applicable Polish regulations. We know that the need to meet environmental norms, obligations, and standards is independent of the size, nature, and profile of the business entity. We strive to eliminate the amount of waste generated, and thus optimize the costs incurred for its disposal. The rational waste management we carry out, serves to implement the concept of sustainable development, and at the same time is an expression of our responsibility for the fate of future generations.

POLON-ALFA’s specific activities affecting the environment


We have already decided to switch from traditional diesel vehicles to hybrid cars in 2019. Regular replacement of cars in a company’s fleet brings tangible benefits and is an investment in a sustainable future. This is primarily a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, thus reducing the carbon footprint, as well as fuel savings and increased energy efficiency. The decision to switch to hybrid vehicles is a step toward greener and more responsible mobility for our company.


In 2023, we installed a photovoltaic system on the roof of a manufacturing plant in Bydgoszcz. In the coming years, an expansion of the photovoltaic plant will be implemented as part of the organization’s sustainability and climate change mitigation goals.


In order to monitor and make efficient use of electricity consumption, we have started installing detailed electricity meters in all departments of our production facility.


The “GOLEM OEE MES™” detailed machine time analysis system was launched, enabling more efficient and energy-saving use of machinery and equipment.


As part of pro-environmental measures, a change in manufacturing technology was prepared, which resulted in the possibility of eliminating the oil boiler, and thus significantly reduced Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.