TD-808-101 - Smoke detector tester (up to 4m)

TD-808-101 smoke detector tester uses the A3-001 aerosol placed in a special head and is designed for both ionization and optical test of the installed fire smoke detectors.

The smoke detector tester can be supplied in two versions differing in pole length:
– TD808-101 – consisting of a two-section telescopic pole with a length of 2.5 m (allows to test smoke detectors installed up to 4m height) and A3-001 aerosol container head,
Aerosol can is placed inside the head of smoke imitator. The A3-001 is not included with the smoke detector tester kit and must be ordered separately.

The head should be placed around the detector and agent sprayed (no longer than 1 s) Repeat every 10 seconds until detector signals an alarm. Detector might be damaged if lacks respond performing the test During the alarm it is neccessarry to move the atomizer further from detector, allowing aerosol particles to leave the detector’s chamber.