The DOT-3000 universal smoke and heat detector is designed to detect the initial stage of fire development during which smoke appears and/or temperature rises. It is defined by significant resistance to the influence of air movement and pressure changes. The use of a dual smoke detection system (in the IR and UV range) and a dual heat detection system provides increased resistance to false alarms caused, i.e. by water vapor or dust. Device, maintains small size and high design aesthetics.
addressable, multisensor, point smoke and temperature detector
Detector designed to detect the initial stage of fire development, during which smoke appears and/or temperature rises.
The detectors can operate only on the addressable lines/loops of the POLON 3000 system fire alarm control panels.
Név | Fájltípus | Fájlnév | Fájlméret | Letöltés |
DOT-3000 Teljesítménynyilatkozat | Teljesítménynyilatkozat | Dop_DOT-3000_HU.pdf | 475.15 KB |